Monday, January 5, 2009

Sharing time.....

Friday, Todd and Danelle needed a day out, (they actually
went to the temple and out to eat) so we kept Shay and Colt.
We had fun, playing on the computer, watching Disney Channel,
eating, then Papa took Colt outside to fly a kite they made, and
Colt ended up planting a forest in our snow out front. Then we
had to try out our new fire pit. If felt good, because it was so darn'
cold out there. After we all smelled of smoke, Shay and I came in
to a nice warm cup of Hot Chocolate. Those boys just wouldn't
give in.

1 comment:

PJ and Me said...

You guys set such a great example of being grandparents, your grandkids are so blessed to have you.