Saturday, January 17, 2009


We had so much fun visiting with our AZ kids.
Chris and Wylene made us fresh O J for us to

Then, we decided to go pick a bunch of the navels, to
bring home with us. Some were very huge, Courtney
was a big help.

There were so many the Chris and Wylene
couldn't decide where to pick.

Jim with a load and a half, we picked 5 boxes.
Gentry helping Chris load them into our own box.
Note the people's home in background, part of it is


While we were out shopping Courtney and I decided
that we didn't like the look of these boxy cars. Then
when we went to get the oranges, there was one, so I
had to take her picture by it.

They took us to "Ocean Blue" which is a frozen Yogurt
place. You get to fill your own cup, with a zillion picks
of flavors, and toppings. They gave us these weird spoons,
at Brennon's request. They are made out of potatos.
(so they are bio-degradable) They really are eatable, but
you would have to be pretty hungry to eat one. Some of
us tried, but ...........Ya! We didn't get very far.

One night we played Phase 10. Jim and Wylene have an
on going duel. But this time, Chris whipped us all. Gentry
got the giggles, and had us all laughing. Brennon left us
in the middle of the game to go to a church dance. He is
growing up!

Courtney and Gentry playing Guitar Hero. Boy can
they play. They tried to get Papa to play, but he did
his own thing in the background!

Thanks for the good company!
Brennon, we are proud of you for getting ordained a Priest!
Glad we could be there for it.

1 comment:

PJ and Me said...

I am so glad you got to go visit Chris and family. I haven't seen Chris in forever. Glad you had a fun time.