Thursday, July 10, 2008

A day at the Zoo......

I took Brennon and Stetson to the zoo, not the real zoo, but the Kangaroo Zoo.
As you can tell from the pictures, they ran and slid so fast I could not catch them when they were standing still. I think they had fun, they hardly stopped moving for 2 hours. I read my Utah Valley Mag. and people watched. I enjoy that, I think I got that from my Dad and Mom. We used to go sit on main street in our car, at night and watch people, and Dad would talk to some of his friends. That was one of our favorite pass times. You had to look for things to do in those days, as money was tight. I enjoy guessing things about the people I watch and wonder what they are really like.


PJ and Me said...

What a fun grandma you are. I wish Layla lived closer so we could do fun things with her.

Robbin's Diet Blog said...

How is Jim's mom doing? Keep me updated. I hope we get to see you while we are in Utah.