Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Together we build..................

Sorry I put the pictures on the blog in the wrong order, but here is the progress of the building crew. Erick decided to build on to their family room. He wants to put the stove he got from Grandpa and Grandma Starich's house up and didn't have the room for it before. It also will help give Karen more room for her daycare. Here Shawn, Kasey and Kimber are taking a break and warning, " Tut, Tut it looks like rain".

Kimber coming down off her perch!

Shawn and Erick finishing off the edges.

Look at that brave Kimber up on top with her Dad. Kurtis reallly got into pounding those nails. Think he might be a builder when he grows up.

Jim and Erick marking where the roof will go.

A shot from the top level of the back yard. Looks tiny here.

Cutting off the siding.

Are those clouds? No Way

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