Saturday, April 18, 2009


Since the kids were out for Spring Break, Jim and I decided to take them all to the Living Aquarium in Sandy. We had a ball. So much to see, so much to learn.

We were lucky that Dan, Joe's Dad was up from Fillmore for a Dr. appointment and went with us, here he is with Tricia and Danelle in the boat on Salt Lake.(haa haa)

Here is Shani in the South American Jungle, with Stetson, ( note Jim and Dan in the background)
they were looking at crocadiles. Stetson was watching some cool frogs.

Here are the kids in front of a crazy, wavy mirror.

Then we have the girls petting the Sting Rays

Matt came up after work to see what he could see, and apparently we just missed Cindy and fam, sorry Cindy. Would have been nice to see ya!!!!


PJ and Me said...

Wow, looks so fun and to be with family is the greatest.

Shani said...

The kids had a blast, thank you so much!!